HPH Newsletter 9/13/2021


September 13th, 2021 

Hello VDLI Families! 

We hope the transition to school has been a smooth and joyful one for your family. It is wonderful for our kids to be with their friends and teachers, and we appreciate so much being able to see and connect with fellow parents at school drop-off and pick-up.  We wanted to share some information on upcoming school events where we can gather and have fun as a school community, as well as some other general information.  

School Events in September 

  • RCP Parent Volunteers Needed for Safety Monitor and Lunch Helper from 9/13 – 9/30

Any parents interested, please sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e4ba5ad2fa3fb6-lunch 

  • Mid-Autumn Moon Festival & Ice Cream Social
    Thursday September 16th from 6:30-8:00PM at Rose City Park School Playground

    Bring the whole family for this social event where you can enjoy moon cakes, ice cream, and Autumn Moon festival activities as well as win some prizes donated by local businesses in Portland. We hope many middle school VDLI students will also attend!  Volunteers are needed to help serve food and direct kids for the arts and crafts. Please contact HPH or sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c4cabac2ea7fcc34-autumn 
  • Back to School Night 
    • Rose City Park School – Thursday September 30th at 6:00PM (Online)
    • Roseway Heights M.S – Thursday September 23rd at 6:30PM
  • School Picture Day
    • Roseway Heights M.S – September 8th, 2021 (Picture Retakes Oct. 21st, 2021)

New Teacher in Vietnamese Dual Language Immersion Program (VDLI)

HPH welcomes RCP’s new 1st grade VDLI teacher for English, Ms. Alisha Green! We are excited to have you! 

If you need to contact RCP school staff, please visit: https://www.pps.net/domain/5035 

If you need to contact RWH school staff, please visit: https://www.pps.net/domain/1467 

New HPH Leadership Announcement

During our Annual Strategic Planning Session, our Board of Directors elected new Executive Officers for the 2021-2022 School Year:

  • Co-Presidents:
    • Anh Le
    • Huynh Pool
  • Vice President: Quyen Huynh
  • Secretary: Barbara Wyse
  • Treasurer: Brett Provost

HPH Meetings with School Leadership

HPH meets regularly with RCP and RWH principals regarding events, school communication, and topics regarding the VDLI program.  As communicated from PPS District, RCP Principal Cohen is moving to a new position in a different school district in the near future. We are continuing to meet with Vice Principal Nguyen-Johnson and Principal Cohen until an interim Principal is selected, and we will meet with the interim principal until a new principal is hired. The District selection of a new RCP Principal will be guided by parents and RCP staff input received in August through surveys and meetings. For more information on that process, see: https://www.pps.net/cms/lib/OR01913224/Centricity/Domain/56/Principal%20Selection%20Process%20draft.pdf

Mask Guidance

To keep everyone healthy and in school, let’s help our kid’s mask properly with well-fitting masks that cover the child’s nose and mouth and are made of multiple layers of tightly-woven, breathable fabric that blocks light from coming through the fabric. For more information, please visit the links below: 

English: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html

Vietnamese: https://vietnamese.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html

Fun Learning Opportunities at Home 

When the school day is over, that doesn’t mean learning is over for your child!  Many playful, fun home activities (puzzles, art, music, story-telling, reading, math games, nature walks, science experiments, etc.!) for kids are also learning opportunities that help them with concepts and skills they are learning at school.  Here are some examples: 

  • Fun Activities For At Home

We Are Teachers is an online site that provides families with fun ideas and activities for hands-on learning for kids of all ages. Visit: https://www.weareteachers.com/hands-on-activities-for-families/

  • Vietnamese Books Online 

United for Literacy provides free digital access to picture books, narrated in many languages. Make sure to select Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt as the narration language in the upper left corner, and the picture books will be read aloud by a Vietnamese speaker. Visit: https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/

  • Vietnamese Story Time!

Register online for Multnomah County Library Story Time in Vietnamese, starting every Sunday from 2-3PM. Visit: https://multcolib.org/events/storytimes 

Ways to connect with HPH

We hope to see you at future upcoming school events, and please don’t hesitate to follow and contact us at:

E-mail: hoiphuhuynh.vdli@gmail.com
Website: https://hphpdx.org/ 
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HoiPhuHuynh.VDLI 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hph_pdx/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HPHPDX
Text Only: (503) 893-5527

Lịch Calendar

1/17 – 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Rose City Park Elementary Playground
Support Our Vietnam Research Residency (VRR) Fundraising Efforts!

8th graders are selling Lunar New Year flowers, Vietnamese food, and lanterns. 6th graders are offering Lì Xì red envelopes, while HPH funds feature traditional Áo Dài for kids and adults. Thank you for supporting this meaningful cultural experience!

Thank you for supporting this cultural experience!

2/7 – 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Trường học McDaniel | McDaniel High School
Chương trình Tết VDLI 2025
2025 VDLI Tết Show

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