HPH Newsletter 12/3/20

Hello VDLI families!

We just wanted to update you on a few items regarding the VDLI program:

  • VDLI ‘tea time’ will be hosted by Principal Cohen and Vice-Principal Nguyen-Johnson on Tuesday December 8 at 9 to 10 AM. Join at: google.meet.com/ynp-mdde-jdj.  At the meeting they will answer pre-submitted questions as well as take new questions. If you feel more comfortable with submitting a question through HPH instead of at the meeting, please send questions/topics you would like addressed by Monday December 7 to hoiphuhuynh.vdli@gmail.com.
  • For the Tết Lunar New Year Celebration on February 12, we expect to not be able to gather in person, but HPH is hoping to host a virtual event where the kids can still perform and we can still celebrate as a community. We are starting conversations now with the teachers on what that may look like; stay tuned for more information!
  • Development of Vietnamese-language curriculum materials is an ongoing process within Portland Public Schools, with reduced resources available due to the pandemic and the switch to distance learning. HPH has been advocating and working with the District on prioritizing and funding the correction of existing materials and the development of new materials. 

Happy Holiday Season,

Hội Phụ Huynh (VDLI Parent Support Group)


Lịch Calendar

2/2 – 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Trình Diễn Tết 2024 từ Chương Trình Song Ngữ Anh Việt (VDLI)
2024 VDLI Tết Show
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3/17 – 6:00 PM

Dạ Tiệc Hoa Sen: Lễ kỷ niệm 10 năm VDLI
Hoa Sen Gala: VDLI 10 Year Anniversary Celebration